

Economic Justice and Sustainable Livelihood

Economic and livelihoods issues are interlinked to socio-political challenges that communities face. As CBOs our work is holistic, we pursue economic justice and security of livelihoods from a human rights based perspective.

Health and Well-being

The overall well-being of our communities is of importance to the work of ACBOs hence our focus on wellbeing and sexual reproductive heallth and rights.

Human Rights, Democracy and Good Governance

Human rights, democratic participation and good governance are at the foundation of community development. Located right in the communities, Community Based Organisations are playing a pivotal role in mobilising communities, providing informal education to adolescent girls, young women, young men, men and women for the fullfilment of their rights, their democratic participation and promoting good governance. 


Community Resilience and
Environmental Justice

Our communities suffer the brunt of natural disasters and man-made problems to our environment. As CBOs we endevour to defend our natural resources and strengthen our communities’ resilience to natural disasters.